Hi, I'm Theresa Storey and I run The Green Apron Artisan Preserve and Tea Company and write and blog and garden and teach and.....

Clover Bee and Butterfly Lawn



Last year I decided it was time to plant us up a lawn

I bought a batch of hard wearing grass seed from Garden World in Ellen St. Limerick .Its best to go to a decent supplier when getting your seed not packets out of B&Q.

The ground where the lawn was to go had been levelled when we did a lot of earth moving a few years ago. Grass and weeds had already started to grow in the area so I figured “no problem ” even though the soil was subsoil.

I got a few trailers of horse manure and spread an inch of it across the lawn and  thenspread the seed as directed. The same week my friend Colin laid his lawn he however put down 5inches of topsoil mixed with compost before he spread his seed. 4 weeks later Colin had the most fantastic lawn it looked like it had been there forever.Me I had a patchy nothing. This continued. I fed it ,didnt need to water it as it rained all summer . The only good growth was clover.Now I dont care what my lawn is made of provided its green, On my terrace clover had taken hold in the gravel so I transplanted as much as I could into the lawn and left it.

Nothing much happened over Winter or during our cold wet Spring.

Last week I was sitting in the sun on the terrace and I noticed a fantastic scent.I sniffed my petunias. They smelled good but it wasn’t them.I figured it was probably the sweetwilliams  all around the terrace.

Today I noticed the lawn covered in Butterflies.

The clover had spread and flowered  the bees and butterflies were feasting and thats what my fabulous scent was.

What a great lawn. Scented, wildlife friendly , green and needs little mowing. Once I saw that I dug up more clover and filled in any  thin patches. You can buy clover seed from your seed supplier or your local coop.

Plant up and enjoy!

Just watch out and dont sit on a butterfly or bee.

P.S Colin still has the best lawn I’ve ever seen but Im happy with mine


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